Un Show Voting

blue and purple un show logo

vote for cards at UN show

Thank you for all your help with the Minted Competition. I’m still waiting to hear the results. In the meantime I’ve entered into another card competition! This one is called the UN Show It celebrates design on all sorts of uncoated paper. It’s sponsored by HOW MAGAZINE and NEENAH PAPER.

The UnShow web site is now open for public voting for the top 25 entries in each category. These entries will be submitted to a selected jury of design judges. Two winners in each category will receive $500 in cash and have their image published in HOW Magazine. Pretty darn cool, right?!

I need your help and vote again to make my dreams come true and be a winner! I’ve entered 2 of my new baby cards into the invitation/cards category. Here they are:

chevron cutie pie and sweet pie cards
{New Baby Chevron card set}

card with illustrations of flying bees
{New Baby Bumble Bee card}

Voting couldn’t be easier this time around.

1. Click here to be brought to the voting page for my cards.
2. You will see my 2 card entries. Click on each voting button underneath each card.
3. Smile! You are done and have helped me tremendously. Thank you.

Please pass this on to family and friends to spread the word.
Voting ends at midnight on April 19th!
